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Past research has consistently reported a higher rate of drug use before arrest among incarcerated inmates than that of the general population. However, there is a lack of either qualitative or quantitative research on this topic under the Chinese setting. Drawing upon survey data collected from 1,518 inmates in a Chinese province, this study attempts to fill in the research gap by assessing the connection between risk factors associated with pre-arrest use. Roughly a quarter of all inmates in the sample had the experience of drug use before arrest. Regression analysis suggested that impulsivity, volatile temper, and perceived prevalence of drug use in neighborhood were significantly related to drug use among inmates. Two control variables include offense type and stable job, were also found to be significant predictors of drug use. Implications for research and policy were highlighted in the end.  相似文献   
We analyze the Russian restriction on chicken imports as an example of a non-tariff barrier (NTB). Cointegration test results support the hypothesis that the NTB limited trade. We calibrate an equilibrium market model to cointegration results to assess the market impact. The tariff equivalent of the Russian chicken NTB is estimated to be 30  40% depending on the representation of consumer demand. Removing the NTB decreases domestic production by 4–5% and domestic price by 27%–34%, while imports increase by 326–423 thousand tons annually in 2015–2019.  相似文献   
In the quest to model various phenomena, the foundational importance of parameter identifiability to sound statistical modeling may be less well appreciated than goodness of fit. Identifiability concerns the quality of objective information in data to facilitate estimation of a parameter, while nonidentifiability means there are parameters in a model about which the data provide little or no information. In purely empirical models where parsimonious good fit is the chief concern, nonidentifiability (or parameter redundancy) implies overparameterization of the model. In contrast, nonidentifiability implies underinformativeness of available data in mechanistically derived models where parameters are interpreted as having strong practical meaning. This study explores illustrative examples of structural nonidentifiability and its implications using mechanistically derived models (for repeated presence/absence analyses and dose–response of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and norovirus) drawn from quantitative microbial risk assessment. Following algebraic proof of nonidentifiability in these examples, profile likelihood analysis and Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo with uniform priors are illustrated as tools to help detect model parameters that are not strongly identifiable. It is shown that identifiability should be considered during experimental design and ethics approval to ensure generated data can yield strong objective information about all mechanistic parameters of interest. When Bayesian methods are applied to a nonidentifiable model, the subjective prior effectively fabricates information about any parameters about which the data carry no objective information. Finally, structural nonidentifiability can lead to spurious models that fit data well but can yield severely flawed inferences and predictions when they are interpreted or used inappropriately.  相似文献   
于潇  陈世坤 《人口学刊》2020,42(1):30-41
人力资本流动与人口流动相关却不相同,本文采用2010-2016年全国流动人口动态监测数据,从流动方向和流动强度两方面对我国省际人口流动引致的人力资本流动现象加以研究。结果表明从流动方向分析,各省人口净流动方向基本呈现时间一致性并且流入流出区域具有稳定性。在调查期间人口净流出省份为16个,人口净流入省份为15个,没有明显变化。人力资本净流向与人口净流向完全一致,但省际人口净流向与高级人力资本净流向并不完全一致,山西、广西、重庆等省市的高级人力资本净流向始终与总人力资本净流向相反。本文采用流出流入比率和迁移选择中心两种指标测算人力资本流动强度,结果基本一致。人力资本流动中心与人口流动中心分布均较为固定。2010年人力资本流动强度最大的省份在2016年的流动强度也更强,流动强度在省际呈现惯性和马太效应。人力资本流入最强地区包括北京、天津、上海三个直辖市,人力资本流出最强省份始终包括安徽、四川、河南等省份。以人力资本流出弹性衡量人力资本流出强度与人口流出强度的相对强弱,东部地区、东北地区省份人力资本的流出强度始终大于人口流出强度,西部地区省份差异较大。考虑各省近五年经济增长状况,人口流动或者人力资本流动对经济增长的影响是非线性的。  相似文献   
Women entered the paid workforce in unprecedented numbers during the 20th century. Yet recent years have been witness to a creeping reversal in women's labor force participation. Why did the revolution stall? In response to debates over a “natural” limit to women's employment, or a cultural backlash against the dual-breadwinner household, we consider an alternative explanation, namely whether immigration has slowed the growth in female labor force participation. Using CPS data from 1998 to 2018, we show that the increase in the share of immigrants and children of immigrants in the population has reduced overall female labor force participation. However, immigration accounts for relatively little of the retreat from the labor force. Instead, the compositional effect of population change is overshadowed by behavioral shifts that affect both natives and immigrants. Lower participation rates among native-born women accounts for most of the overall decline. Despite persistent differences, we also find substantial convergence in the labor force behavior of native-born and foreign-born women, which bodes well for the long-term economic incorporation of immigrants and their children.  相似文献   
韩伟 《北方论丛》2020,(2):61-68
魏晋既是中国思想史变革最为剧烈的时段,也是传统礼乐观念的重要调试期。玄学作为礼乐变革的背景,它很好地应对了轴心时代以来儒、道两家在言与意、有与无等问题上的分歧,并进行了哲学性弥合。玄学家对"有"的肯定,为儒家礼乐(广义)信仰的延续、"礼乐"(狭义)内涵的升华提供了空间。就前者而言,尽管何晏、王弼、郭象等人思想有所差异,但都表现出对"礼乐形态"的肯定;就后者而言,玄学家通过以自然内涵置换道德内涵的方式,赋予狭义"礼乐"新意,使其获得了本体论和价值论的合法性,并实现了与时代雅乐建设实践的互通。  相似文献   
王化平 《北方论丛》2020,(1):16-22,78
通过分析《毛诗·魏风》《唐风》诸篇的诗旨和安大简自身的特点,认为安大简《侯》《魏》两部分内并无“误置”现象。又从战国初期的历史背景出发,并结合诗旨、春秋战国时期的“用诗”特点,赞成安大简《魏》之所以抄写《毛诗·唐风》中的诗篇,当与战国时期魏国国力强盛、占有晋国故地相关。由于抄写《唐风》诗篇的部分被称为“魏”,因此,抄写《魏风》的部分就不能再称为“魏”,必须改题。从《毛诗》诸国风的命名逻辑看,“侯”极可能是地名。不过,若考虑到安大简的特点,“侯”为爵位也未尝不可。从安大简《侯》《魏》的特殊安排看,它无疑是一个改编本,其底本与《毛诗》应该非常接近。  相似文献   
"中华民族多元一体"是中国共产党政治话语体系中的一个重要概念。经过新民主主义革命时期的萌芽和20世纪90年代的孕育,中国共产党在2005年的中央民族工作会议上正式提出"中华民族多元一体"话语。随着中国共产党中华民族观念和理论的变迁,"中华民族多元一体"话语的内涵也日趋丰富和完善,2014年中央民族工作会议后成熟定型。不同时期,中国共产党通过大众传媒将"中华民族多元一体"的政治话语转化成大众喜闻乐见的生活话语,从而塑造大众的中华民族观念,有利于维系民族团结和国家统一。中国共产党"中华民族多元一体"话语的构建遵循话语生产以问题为导向的实践逻辑、话语传播从学术到政治再到大众的延展逻辑、话语内涵从单一到复合的发展逻辑。  相似文献   
采用文献计量学研究方法和主题内容分析法,回顾了2009至2018年我国幼儿教师职业道德研究的概貌,发现该领域文献研究的热点方向依次为:幼师师德失范与因应对策、幼师专业学生职业道德培养、幼师师德的规范建构与评价等。为进一步推动我国幼儿教师职业道德研究,关切该问题的学者可以形成研究共同体,从均衡研究维度着手,不断拓展研究视野的广度,并通过开展后续研究推进成果转化。  相似文献   
习近平“不忘初心、牢记使命”重要论述的生成具有多重逻辑。马克思主义关于无产阶级政党的理论、中国共产党以人民为中心的思想内核是其理论渊源;中国传统民本思想的精髓、以红船精神为源头的革命精神是其文化根基;人民对美好生活的向往、新时代中国特色社会主义任务的严峻性、解决“三个如何”之问的迫切性是其现实要求。  相似文献   
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